Summer Fashions

Project Runway

Paris Adventure

Airplane Adventure

Freijoada Completa

Summer  Fashions

Polly Hester

Contact Hanna B.

About The Creator

Obligatory Links

Free Stuff

Mary Marvel

Our Girls

Here are the girls modeling outfits
based on an upcoming story.

If you like send us some of your designs and we'll publish
them in our books or show them in this website.

Here is our Hanna B.
Hanna is wearing the famous hula shirts. They can be made from long grass or as in this one, palm leaves.
Here is Zoe
Pure White is considered by many cultures as the absolute best color you can have for all occasions. It's set off with a colorful top.
Here is Ophera
While many designers find her insistence on wearing something plaid at all times annoying, some designers create outfits specifically with her in mind.
Can you spot the Tartan pattern here?
Ah, Simone!
This stunning two-piece outfit doesn't feature as many colors as Simone usually prefers but, nevertheless it still looks sensational.
Exotic Ahlba
is ready for the beach or going on an impromptu adventure.
Guest Star: Kahalalani
Kahalalani will be appearing in the Hawaii Issue. Her past has some exciting mysteries to reveal to Our Friends.
Check this page monthly for new designs and concepts.
Go to to see more of Billie's new virtual clothing line.